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Agent-Based Computational Economics website by Leigh Tesfatsion, Professor of Economics, Iowa State University

 Alan D Lopez. University of Melbourne Laureate Professor Rowden-White Chair of Global Health and Burden of Disease Measurement Director

Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the University of Washington



What is Knowledge Management?

Gotcha is your guide to Knowledge Management (KM). It is designed for those who are new to KM and still exploring its fundamentals, as well as for power users looking to expand their KM resources or understanding.

Brint Knowledge Management Portal

This is one of the best KM Resource websites currently online. If Brint doesn't have it, you probably don't need it.

Learning Organization / Knowledge Management Resources

This site has been cited as a useful resource by the Knowledge Management Year Book.

CIO Knowledge Management Research Center

Many KM Articles.

Knowledge Management Definition and Solutions

Knowledge Management (KM) topics covering definition, systems, benefits, and challenges. http://www.cio.com/article/40343/Knowledge_Management_Definition_and_Solutions

Research Activities at IICM (Institute for Information Systems and Computer Media)

IM, KM theses and courseware, research projects

Knowledge Management Research Center

About knowledge management, organizational intelligence, and closely aligned areas of thought and practice.


The Institute for Knowledge and Innovation, The George Washington University.

Publications, links


Theories Used in IS Research Wiki. York University. Mike Wade


AISWorld Nets Mission is to provide information of universal interest to all IS researchers.


School of Information Management & Systems Berkeley University of California

Major areas of study include information organization and retrieval, human-computer interaction and usability, design and implementation of information systems, and information policy and management. SIMS is based at the University of California.

Management Information Systems Research Center

University of Minnesota Management Information Systems Research Center promotes research in MIS topics by bridging the gap between the corporate and academic MIS worlds through the events in the MISRC Associates Program.

Knowledge Management Research Program. Monash University. Australia http://www.infotech.monash.edu.au/research/groups/km/

Syed Sibte Raza Abidi. Professor of Computer Science, Director of Health Informatics. Faculty of Computer Science, Dalhousie University, Canada. http://torch.cs.dal.ca/~sraza/index.htm

John Edwards. Deputy Dean & Head of Faculty. Operations & Information Management Group. Aston University. Birmingham. http://www1.aston.ac.uk/aston-business-school/staff/oim/prof-john-edwards

Mark Nissen. Naval Postgraduate School. (Knowledge-Flow Theory) http://faculty.nps.edu/menissen/Welcome.htm


A list of KM articles. http://astro.temple.edu/~clarkh/html/knowledge_management.html

International Center for Applied Studies in Information Technology (ICASIT) - knowledge management



List of the PhD Dissertations in Knowledge Management :



Knowledge and Innovation Management Articles



Freely Available Statistical Software On Internet

ISPUB - Freely Available Statistical Software On Internet



(1) International KM Institute (http://www.kminstitute.org/index.php) offering the Certified Knowledge Manager (CKM) certification,

(2) Knowledge Management Professional Society (http://kmpro.org) offering the Certified Knowledge Manager (CKM) and the Master Certified Knowledge Management Professional (MKMP) certifications,

(3) Global Knowledge Economics Council (http://www.eknowledgecenter.com/certification courses/CertTracks.htm) offering the Certified Knowledge Manager (CKM), Certified Knowledge Environment Engineer (CKEE), and Certified Knowledge Economics (CKE) certifications, and

(4) Knowledge Management Consortium International (www.kmci.org) offering the Certificate in Knowledge and Innovation Management (CKIM) and the KMCI Advanced Certificate Program.