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2009 IEEE Toronto International Conference –
Science and Technology for Humanity
TIC-STH 2009
September 26-27, 2009
Ryerson University, 245 Church Street
Toronto, Ontario, Canada


The Value of the Unpopular
Jutta Treviranus (University of Toronto, Canada); Stephen A. Hockema (University of Toronto, Canada
Symposium on Education and Social Implications of Technology: Social Implications of Technology

Covert Monitoring of the Point-of-Gaze
Moshe Eizenman (University of Toronto, Canada); Dmitri Model (University of Toronto, Canada); Elias Guestrin (University of Toronto, Canada)
Symposium on Biomedical Engineering - Image Processing

Preventing Future Brownfields: Engineering Solutions and Pollution Prevention Policies
Bruce Taylor (Enviro-Stewards, Canada); Lloyd Hipel (Enviro-Stewards, Canada); Hipel Keith (University of Waterloo, Canada); Liping Fang (Ryerson University, Canada); Michele Heng (University of Waterloo, Canada)
Symposium on Sustainable Development and Energy Availability

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Saturday, Sept. 26

Sunday, Sept. 27

  • 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM (Auditorium):
    Key Note Speech: Sustainability: The Ultimate Quest for Science, Technology and Humanity, Marc Rosen, President, Engineering Institute of Canada
  • 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM (Auditorium):
    Invited Speaker: Prof. Rajit Gadh, University of California, UCLA
    Smart Grid - Convergence for a Future Energy Transmission and Distribution System with Wireless communications, Sensors/Monitors, RFID and I.T.
  • 9:00 AM - 12.30 PM (ENG-LG21):
    Tutorial 3: An Introduction to CUDA: Harnessing Graphics Processing Units for High-Throughput General-Purpose Computation, Lukasz Wawrzyniak, University of Guelph, Canada
    Registration required
  • 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM (Auditorium):
    Plenary Talk: Convergence of U-Health and U-Environment: An Autonomic Smart Home for the Elderly
    Prof. Jamal Deen, McMaster University, Canada and Nazim Agoulmine, University of Evry Val d’Essonne, France

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Registration is now open
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Calls for Papers and Proposals


The TIC-STH conference is an international forum for state-of-the-art research across a broad spectrum of the IEEE science and technology fields of interest.

The format of the conference is several parallel Symposia focusing on the advanced scientific and technological problems, especially of the interdisciplinary nature.

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[click on icon to show/hide symposium subtopics]
  • Aerospace and Electronic Systems (Call for papers)  Show subtopics
    Including Emerging AES technologies in navigation, avionics, radar, sonar, telemetry, sensors, security systems, simulators, automatic test, and command and control; Advanced integrated/standalone electric power systems (generation, distribution and conversion) for safe, efficient and cost-effective air/land/sea applications; Advanced energy storage and mobile power (batteries, supercaps, fuel-cells); Aerospace structures and manufacturing, emerging specialty materials/chemicals (nanotech, composites, plastics, adhesives, alternative fuels, etc.); Knowledge management, prognostics health monitoring/trending and maintenance; Other aerospace special interest topics including industry/government/academia plans, policies, best-practices and lessons-learned.
  • Biomedical Engineering (Call for papers)
  • Biometrics (Call for papers)  Show subtopics
    Biometric characterization of human beings, based on physiological and/or behavioral features and traits, in particular for identification, identity verification, authentication, encryption, recognition and medical diagnosis.
  • Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (Call for papers)  Show subtopics
    Including Modeling disaster prognosis; Geomatics applications for disaster recovery; Business continuity analysis. Business continuity risk assessment. Modeling and simulation for disaster recovery. Remote sensing for early warning and emergency response. Spatial decision support systems for crisis management. Remote sensing for post-disaster assessment. GIS-based assessment of climate vulnerabilities in urban communities. Geomatics application for disaster risk analysis. Remote sensing application in disaster risk assessment. Business impact analysis and disaster recovery. Geomatics applications for community vulnerability assessment. Financial Sector Business continuity.
  • Education (Call for papers)
  • Electronic Design Automation (Call for papers)  Show subtopics
    Including the theory, implementation and use of EDA/CAD tools to design integrated electronic circuits and systems; tools that automate all levels of the design, analysis and verification of hardware and embedded software up to and including complete working systems.
  • Emerging Scientific Methods and Technologies (Call for papers)  Show subtopics
    Including pervasive/ubiquitous computing and communications, wireless mesh and ad hoc networking, positioning, tracking and sensing technologies, autonomic computing and communication technologies, pervasive healthcare and smart systems. Advanced architectures, models, tools and protocols as well as research challenges and future trends in these and other emerging technologies in the IEEE fields of interest will also be addressed.
  • Engineered & Natural Complex Systems: Modeling, Simulation & Analysis (Call for papers)  Show subtopics
    Structure, function and dynamics of complex systemsf, i.e. data communication networks, cyberspace, transportation networks, organizational networks, power grids, biological, physical, social, ecological, epidemiological and other complex systems & networks; Emergence, multiscale phenomena, self-organization, self-similarity, long range dependence, phase transition, pattern formation, synchronization, robustness, reliability, fragility, interdependence, cooperation, adaptation, evolution, clustering, small world, degree distribution, diameter, motifs, etc,; Analysis & control techniques of dynamics & performance, mean field & information theory of complex systems & networks; Cellular automata, agent based & individually based and other models of complex systems & networks and their simulations.
  • Enterprise Architecture
  • Geomatics (Call for papers)
  • High-Performance Computing (Call for papers)  Show subtopics
    Including Applications of High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, Development of Algorithms for Supercomputers, Software Packages for High Performance Computers, New Developments in High Performance Computer Architectures, High Performance Computing in the Arts and Humanities.
  • History and Advances in the Pacemaker (Call for papers)  Show subtopics
    In conjunction with the IEEE Milestone celebration – External Cardiac Pacemaker.
  • Human Factors and Ergonomics (Call for papers)  Show subtopics
    Including theory, best practice, case study, and investigation in Work Analysis, Design, and Training, Aerospace and Maritime Systems, Affective Design, Aging, Agriculture Ergonomics, Anthropometry, Auditory Ergonomics, Augmented Cognition, Building and Construction, Children and School Ergonomics, Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making, Communication and Collaboration, Crises and Emergencies, Cultural Ergonomics, Displays and Interfaces, Education and Distance Learning, Environment Design, Forensics Professional, Healthcare, Human Computer Interaction, Human Performance Modeling, Manufacturing, Multi-modal Design, Occupational Biomechanics, Office and Furniture Ergonomics, Online Communities, Organization Design and Management, Process Control, Product Design, Rehabilitation Ergonomics, Safety and Health, Service and Human Factors Practice, Simulation and Modeling in Virtual Environments, Slips, Trips and Falls, Sports, Training and Leisure, Transport Ergonomics, Visual Ergonomics, Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality.
  • Human and Socio-Cultural Service Oriented Computing (Call for papers)
  • Information and Knowledge Management in the Health Sector (Call for papers)
  • Information Assurance in Security and Privacy (Call for papers)  Show subtopics
    Including theory, policy, governance, best practices, investigations and case studies of the assurance of quality in confidentiality, integrity, availability and privacy of information; scientific, technological and risk management issues in eHealth, eCommerce, outsourcing and other interdisciplinary areas in human activities.
  • Intelligent Transportation Systems in a Large City
  • Knowledge Management (Call for papers)
  • Nanotechnology (Call for papers)  Show subtopics
    Including the theory, design, and development of nanotechnology and its scientific, engineering, and industrial applications.
  • Quantitative Methods in Managing Scientific and Technology Projects (Call for papers)
  • Sensors (Call for papers)  Show subtopics
    Including the theory, design, fabrication, manufacturing and application of devices for sensing and transducing physical, chemical, and biological phenomena, with emphasis on the electronics, physics and reliability aspects of sensors and integrated sensor-actuators.
  • Social Implications of Technology (Call for papers)
  • Superconductivity (Call for papers)  Show subtopics
    Including the science and technology of superconductors and their applications, including materials and their applications for electronics, magnetics and power systems, where the superconductor properties are central to the application.
  • Sustainable Development (Call for papers)  Show subtopics
    Sustainability has arrived as the major driving force for innovation and development in the twenty-first century. Including international sustainable development; appropriate technology; cleaner production and zero emissions; renewable energy, energy efficiency and energy conservation; sustainable urban development; sustainability assessment and reporting.
  • Sustainable Energy Availability (Call for papers)
  • Systems and Control (Call for papers)  Show subtopics
    Including systems engineering, education, standards, processes and methodologies; design aspects for robust design, human factors, safety, security and usability; quality control and system management; risk management.
  • Technology Management (Call for papers)  Show subtopics
    Including technology policy development; management of research; education of personnel engaged in managing innovation; the economics of innovation; the impact of technology on society.

Submission Policy

Papers must describe original work and not be accepted for publication or submitted elsewhere. Papers will be evaluated in terms of criteria including:

  1. Contribution
  2. Presentation/clarity/conciseness
  3. Scholarship (including adequate reference to prior work)
  4. Novelty and originality

Tutorial Proposals Submission

Submit to the Tutorials Chair at .

Regular Paper Submission

» View paper submission instructions

Important Dates

Schedule (Common for All Symposia):

Paper Proposal Submission (Title/Abstract)
Abstract submission is not required but is appreciated for planning purposes
Submission of Full Length Papers for Review Friday, May 1, 2009
Extended to: Sunday, May 31, 2009, 23:59 EST
Notification of Acceptance Friday, June 26, 2009
Author's Registration Deadline Monday, August 3, 2009
Final Paper Submission Deadline Thursday, August 6, 2009
Advance Registration Deadline Friday, August 28, 2009

Conference language: English

Steering Committee

Name Title Affiliation
Dr. Ann Cavoukian
» web
Commissioner Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner, Ontario
Dr. Om Malik
» web
President Elect IEEE Canada
Dr. Richard J. Marceau
» web
Provost University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Dr. Tim McTiernan
» web
Assistant Vice-President Research
Executive Director of Innovations
University of Toronto
Dr. Xavier Fernando
» web
Conference General Chair Ryerson University
Dr. Tas Venetsanopoulos
» web
Vice President, Research and Innovation Ryerson University  
Dr. Alexei Botchkarev
» web
Senior Information Management Advisor
Chair, IEEE Toronto Section
Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Ontario

Organizing Committee

Role Name/Affiliation
Conference General Chair Dr. Xavier Fernando
Ryerson University
Technical Program Co-Chairs Dr. Vijay K. Sood
University of Ontario Institute of Technology

Dr. Robert Allison
York University
Publications Chair Marcelo Mota
Greater Toronto Airport Authority
Government and Industry Relations Chair, Conference Spokesperson Dr. Dimitri Androutsos
Ryerson University
Finance Chair Pelle Westlind
Pelle Westlind Consulting Services
Tutorials Chair Bruno Di-Stefano
Nuptek Systems Ltd
Academic and Industry Engagement Chair Dr. Maike Luiken
Lambton College
Registration Chair Behnaz Ghoraani
Ryerson University
Registration Co-Chair Elnaz Afatmirni
Ryerson University
Sponsorship Chair Benjamin Mak
Ridout & Maybee LLP
Publicity Chair Shahab Ardalan
Gennum Corp.
Publicity Co-Chair Dr. Mohamed Wahab Mohamed Ismail
Ryerson University
Global Outreach Chair Dan Hosseinzadeh
Sunnybrook Hospital
Local Arrangements Chair Dr. Bala Venkatesh
Ryerson University
Web Conferencing and Audio/Video Chair Dr. Lian Zhao
Ryerson University
Web Conferencing and Audio/Video Vice Chair Hamed Rasouli
Ryerson University
Web Conferencing Solutions Evaluation Chair Fasih Masood
BMO Financial Group
Regional Publicity Co-Chair Dr. Bin Su
Unitec New Zealand
Member-at-Large Dr. Wai Tung Ng
University of Toronto
Webmaster Karl Martin
University of Toronto

Technical Program Committee

Symposia chairs/co-chairs – full TPC listed here

Name Affiliation
Robert Allison (co-chair) York University
Vijay Sood (co-chair) University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Rifaat Abdalla Defence R&D Canada
Sunil Bisnath York University
Douglas Bower Ryerson University
Clare Brett University of Toronto
Miriam Capretz University of Western Ontario
Mieso Denko University of Guelph
Robert Dony University of Guelph
Khalil El-Khatib UOIT
Xavier Fernando Ryerson University
Behnaz Ghoraani Ryerson University
Gary Grewal University of Guelph
Ming Hou Defence R&D Canada
Patrick Hung University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Henry Kim York University
Hassan Kojori Honeywell Engines, Systems and Services, Toronto, Canada
Anna Lawniczak University of Guelph
Guangjun Liu Ryerson University
Hamed Majedi University of Waterloo
Kristiina McConville Ryerson University
Carolyn McGregor University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Ralf Meyer Laurentian University
Roy Ng Ryerson University
Joshua Pearce Queen's University
Jayshri Sabarinathan University of Western Ontario
Bo Tan Ryerson University
Karthikeyan Umapathy University Health Network
Bala Venkatesh Ryerson University
Venkat Venkatkrishnan Ryerson University
Amir Sepasi Zahmati Ryerson University

International Advisory Committee

Name Affiliation Country
Dr. Robert T. H. Alden Bob Alden Technologies Canada
Dr. Alagan Anpalagan Ryerson University Canada
Dr. Igor Astrov Tallinn University of Technology Estonia
Mr. Ehsan Behboudi Eaton Corp Canada
Dr. Chih-Hung Chen McMaster University Canada
Dr. Denis Gingras Université de Sherbrooke Canada
Dr. Takahiro Hanyu Tohoku University Japan
Dr. Sridhar Krishnan Ryerson University Canada
Mr. Naresh Kurada CIBC Canada
Dr. Goh Wang Ling Nanyang Technological University Singapore
Dr. Juin J. Liou University Central Florida USA
Dr. Ka Lok Man University College Cork Ireland
Dr. Shahriar Mirabbasi The University of British Columbia Canada
Dr. Cary Yang Santa Clara University USA
Dr. Paul Yu UC San Diego USA

Questions or Comments

For any questions or comments, please contact the Conference Secretariat. Email: .