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IEEE Activities
The formation of the chapter has been approved by the IEEE MGA Board on
February 19, 2011.
In July 2012, the chapter has been transformed into a joint chapter of
the Systems Council and System, Man and
Cybernetics Society (SYS45/SMC28, geo-code CH07152).
Member, IEEE
The Institute's
Advisory Board,
Jan. 2013 -
Dec. 2018 (Cached
Jul. 2015,
Cached Feb. 2013)
Member, MGA IT Coordination and Oversight Committee (ITCO) working
group on implementation of the IEEE 2014 Sections Congress
recommendation on web conferencing, Jan. 2015 - Jan. 2016.
Member, Founding Committee, IEEE Toronto Special Interest
Group on Humanitarian Technology (SIGHT). 2014.
(Cached Dec. 2014)
Member, IEEE
Computer Society Regional Membership Development (Region 7
Sub-committee). 2012 - 2013
Chair, Nominations Committee, IEEE Toronto Section,
Jan. 2010 - Dec. 2011
Past Chair, IEEE
Toronto Section, Jan. 2010 - Dec. 2011
Chair, IEEE Toronto Section,
Jan. 2008 - Dec. 2009 (Cached
Oct. 2009)
Toronto Section is one of the largest IEEE sections worldwide –
around 4,000 members.
Chair Reports at the Section's Annual General Meetings
Oct. 2008 and
Oct. 2009 (excerpts).
The committee has
been formed to participate in the IEEE (worldwide) and United Nations
Foundation initiative:
Humanitarian Technology Challenge.
The name of
the committee from Oct. 2009 through May 2010 was IEEE Canada ad-hoc
committee on humanitarian initiatives.
The Newsletter has over 14,000 subscribers across Canada - Region 7.
IEEE Canada Newsletter (May
2006 - Sep. 2006)
Membership Development Committee, IEEE Toronto Section (Jan. - Dec.
Contributed to the Section's membership development activities, which
were recognized by the IEEE
Activities Board (RAB) by the
Membership Growth Award (for continued success in attracting and
Outstanding Leadership and results in IEEE Membership Development
Activities for the period of 2004 to 2006 in
Region 7).
Sep. 2009)
Conferences/Conventions Committee, IEEE Toronto Section (Feb. 2004 - March 2007)
Executive Committee, IEEE Toronto Section, Feb. 2004 - Present
of A & A (Admission and Advancement) panel for Senior Members, June
2002, Toronto
Elected to the grade of Senior Member of IEEE (2001)
CCECE 2014 (27th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer
Engineering). Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Industry Track
Chair (Cached
May 2014,
Cached 2016)
IEEE Canada
IHTC 2014
(International Humanitarian Technology Conference). Montreal,
Quebec, Canada. Publicity Chair
May 2014)
Committee Report.
IEEE EPEC 2012 (Electrical
Power and Energy Conference). London, Ontario, Canada. Publicity Chair (Cached
Dec. 2011)
Committee Report.
CCECE 2011 (24th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer
Engineering). Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. Publicity Chair. (Cached
May 2011).
Committee Report.
10th International Conference for
Upcoming Engineers (ICUE
2011). Ryerson University. May 5, 2011.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Welcome Address. (Cached May 2011)
Toronto International Conference - Science and Technology for
Humanity (IEEE TIC-STH
Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Founding member of the
Organizing Committee.
Member of the Steering Committee. (Cached
Oct. 2009,
Session: Design, Analysis and Tools for Integrated Circuits and Systems
(DATICS'09) of The 4th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and
Applications (ICIEA 2009), May 2009. Member of the International Program
(Cached Dec. 2008)
on Alternate Energy - and Global Synergy, organized by Ryerson
University and IEEE Toronto Section. Member of the Organizing Committee.
July 2008.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Proceedings. (Cached
Dec. 2008)
CCECE 2008 (21st Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer
Engineering). Publicity Chair. Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. (Cached
Oct. 2009)
2006 (Intelligent Transportation Systems
Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Chair, Publicity and Public Relations Committee. (Cached
Oct. 2009)
CCECE 2004 (Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering).
Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.
Chaired conference’s Robotics and Control Session.
Technical Societies/Councils’ membership:
- Computational
Intelligence Society (Jan. 2016 -
- Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
Society (Jan. 2010 -
Technical Committee on Simulation, IEEE
Computer Society (TCSIM) (Jan. 2012 - Present)
- Technical Committee on Intelligent Informatics, IEEE
Computer Society (Jan. 2012 - Present)
Prior Memberships