ICUE 2011

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Speakers Profile

Welcome Address
Dr. Alexei Botchkarev (Senior Information Management Advisor at the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care – MOHLTC, and Adjunct Professor, Ryerson University).


As a senior advisor at MOHLTC, he provides expert opinions and recommendations to senior management on the MOHLTC strategic direction and policies related to knowledge management, and leads projects for the design and implementation of knowledge transfer standards and processes on the enterprise content management systems.
Alexei has over 30 years of experience in systems analysis, modelling and simulation, project management, business processes analysis, information systems solutions, requirements analysis and scientific research. In the course of his career, Alexei worked as an employee or consultant in multiple industries (aerospace, information technologies, advanced materials, healthcare, education and training) and in various capacities (program/project manager, product manager, marketing manager, research analyst) in Canada, US, Europe, and Asia. Alexei has authored or co-authored more than 60 publications, including chapters in three books.
He served as IEEE Toronto Section Chair in 2008 & 2009, and is currently serving as Chair, IEEE Toronto Section Systems Council Chapter.

Dr. Tom Lee (Vice President of Applications Engineering and Chief, Evangelist at Maplesoft of Waterloo, Ontario)


Dr. Tom Lee is the Vice President of Applications Engineering and Chief Evangelist at Maplesoft of Waterloo Ontario -- a Canadian company that pioneered efficient computing techniques for complex mathematics. Tom has been with the company since 1989 and was a key influence in the recent development of software products that address emerging needs of modern industry. Tom is a frequent invited speaker at international conferences and is a recognized authority on engineering modeling and simulation. He earned his PhD in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Waterloo.


Engineering Supermodels

The concept of modeling is at the core of the theory that you learn as students. It is also becoming one of the most important skills and techniques for the future generation of engineers. If we are to build intelligent autonomous vehicles for a mission to Mars, we need to predict the behaviour of our systems in some type of simulated environment here on Earth. At the heart of this type of problem is the engineering model. The kind of models that modern engineers need is turning out to be quite complex as we begin designing sophisticated systems such as hybrid energy cars, or safer nuclear power, or wrestle with the fundamental problems of climate change. This tutorial gives you an inside look at the latest techniques that engineers are using to design better and faster. The tool that I will be using for the demonstrations is MapleSim -- a new generation engineering software tool invented in Canada. MapleSim's unique set of modeling technology is rapidly spreading throughout the auto, aerospace, and green energy industries. From this tutorial, you will learn about new software tools, new scientific ideas, and yes, even a bit of math.

Dr. Kevin J. Ilcisin (Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, Tektronix)


Dr. Kevin J. Ilcisin is Vice President, Chief Technology Officer for Tektronix. He currently has operational responsibility for the Component Solutions ASIC Design and Data Convertor Teams, in addition to managing the Tektronix CTO office. Earlier in his Tektronix career, Kevin held business development and principal scientist roles. Prior to joining Tektronix, he held senior technology and engineering management positions in the laser, display, and semiconductor equipment industries. Kevin was co-founder and VP of engineering of a research and product development firm that contracted with global clients in the consumer display industry. Kevin holds Ph.D. and M.A. degrees in Astrophysical Sciences from Princeton University, and a B.Sc. with distinction, and the APPEGA gold medal in Electrical Engineering from the University of Alberta. Kevin has been awarded more than 40 U.S. patents and has given numerous papers and presentations including being a winner of IEEE Student Paper Competition in 1985 while at the U of A.

Preparing for a lifetime in Engineering: How the megatrends may and may not affect your career.

Working in an industry characterized by rapid cycles of innovation and change can lead a student pondering how one navigates a lifetime in the engineering profession. Stories of engineers leaving their careers for other roles in finance, or operational management are rampant. How does one continue to follow their passion and stay relevant? Without claiming to own a crystal ball, this talk will explore both a historical and future-looking perspective on the engineering profession, highlight trends that will be important to a career going forward, and share some personal insights on success in an industry where the half-life of domain knowledge is sometimes measured in a short few years.

Dennis Cecic (P. Eng., Senior Technical Training Engineer with Microchip Technology Inc.)

Dennis Cecic, P. Eng., is a Senior Technical Training Engineer with Microchip Technology Inc., specializing in microcontrollers, embedded systems and applications. His industrial design experience includes development of microwave, infrared and acoustic motion sensors for the commercial security system market. He has also developed and taught courses in 32-bit microcontrollers and DSP in the school of electronics at Seneca College. He holds a B. Eng. Degree in Electrical Engineering from Ryerson University.

802.11/Wi-Fi is the mobile extension to Ethernet networks. It extends the physical network using familiar protocols and programming layers. However, implementing Wi-Fi networking for embedded systems poses some special challenges for the embedded designer. This lecture will focus on the key design considerations you should be aware of in adding Wi-Fi connectivity to your internet application. Demos using Microchip’s agency certified 802.11/Wi-Fi module will be provided.

Dr. Walid G. Morsi

Dr. Walid G. Morsi was born in Ismailia, Egypt in 1975. He received the B.Sc. (Eng.) and M.Sc. degrees from Suez Canal University, Port-Said, Egypt, in 1998 and 2002, respectively. In 2009, he received the Ph.D. degree from Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada where he was a Killam memorial pre-doctoral scholar, then he worked as Assistant Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB, Canada. Currently he is working as Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, at University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT), Oshawa, ON, Canada. His research interests include power quality, renewable energy sources, smart grid, smart meters, demand side management, PHEVs, Vehicle to Grid (V2G), signal processing, artificial intelligence and optimization applications in power systems. Dr. Morsi a member in the IEEE Power Engineering Society and is a registered professional engineer of the Association of Professional Engineer with the Association of Professional Engineers of Ontario (PEO) and Engineers Nova Scotia (APENS).

Understanding Power Quality in Smart Grids

The subject of electric power quality has gained attention in the last decade as the electric power system is undergoing deregulation and with the introduction of the concept of the smart grid with either renewable-based or non-renewable based distributed generation. Due to the increased use of power electronic based device and other nonlinear loads, the quality of the electric power delivered to the consumers has been deteriorated leading to economical impact and many operational problems. This Tutorial presents a comprehensive coverage of power quality including definitions, indices, aspects and solution techniques. The tutorial will focus on providing appropriate definition of the term power quality, identifies the sources and causes of power quality deterioration while introducing the indices for assessing and evaluating the power quality in the electric power system. Different aspects of existing power quality phenomena will be highlighted, some proposed power quality mitigation techniques will be presented and standards for power quality will be reviewed.

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