The IEEE Canadian Humanitarian Initiatives Committee is possible thanks to the support of:
- Alfredo Herrera, committee chair.
- Pedro I. Sánchez, committee vice-chair, webmaster.
- Ferial El-Hawary, past IEEE-Canada president.
IEEE Canada Area representatives:
- Mooney Sherman, western-Canada representative, Edmonton section chair.
- Alexei Botchkarev (Alex Bot), central-Canada representative, Toronto section past chair.
- Gerard Dunphy, eastern-Canada representative, Treasurer IEEE-Canada.
HTC specific volunteers:
- Glen McKnight, IEEE-HTC Reliable Electricity liaison.
- Atekeh Maghsoudlou, IEEE-HTC Data Connectivity liaison.
Advisors and volunteers:
- Joan Kerr, special adviser. Director at FBSC.
- Raed Abdullah, Ottawa section chair, volunteer.
- Sri Krishnan, member.